- Henry had his adneoids removed and ear tubes put on on November 1st. A hearing test showed that his hearing was diminished because of fluid not draining in his ears. I think he's finally recovered and everyone is sleeping through the night again.

- Henry is showing his stubborn side when it comes to potty training. He knows how to do everything in the bathroom, he knows the feeling of #1 and #2 and he uses the potty when he feels like it....BUT... if he doesn't want to then its wet undies. He just doesn't care to go and it is getting super frustrating. 

- Hazel learned her first trophy! Her last soccer game is tomorrow. Things clicked for her after she scored her first goal a few weeks ago. Now she is eager to play and have action with the ball.

-Brice and I are finishing up a short training cycle for a half marathon on Thanksgiving. 

- We joined the YMCA on a trial period and let me tell you- sending my kids to child-watch for an hour has been wonderful for all of us. We have all done a lot better with a little separation. 

- It's been cold most days so I needed to get everyone prepared with warmer clothes. That's been fun! The kids clothes are so fun to buy- cute sweaters and skinny jeans. Brice asked for new shorts.

- Hazel has been reading through the big book from Grandma and Grandpa Johnson for all of Brice's childhood stories. She loves hearing about Brice as a kid and all the naughty things he was upto. 


:: hazel ::

1. Asked me if " we're the little toys that God plays with?"'
2.  loves building a zoo with the duplos.
3. I cannot get her to pay attention at soccer practice. She is always sitting in the dirt or daydreaming.
4. Can't get her to stop picking her nose either.
5. loves asking Brice to tell her how things are made.
6. She has been throwing some emotional tantrums the last few weeks. #helpme

:: henry ::

1. is talking more and more! Hes got those 'p" and 'm' and 'b" sounds down!
2. his favorite thing to say is "poo-poo head."
3. he's spending more time in time out because of it.
4. This week he said bell peppers and tomatoes were yummy.
5. still picks up any stick he finds. They're usually fire hoses or guns now.
6. instead of saying dog he says "arf-arf"

:: brice ::

1. has lost 10 pounds since July.
2. is pretty disappointed in BYU football, but is still watching every game.
3. loves steam rolling and playing rough with the kids when he gets home from work.
4. only driving to Ft. Worth once a week now.
5. is always looking at running shoes online.
6. He's always been a night owl but a couple times a week he's in bed by 10:00 now and says he feels so much better!

:: breann ::

1. saving my money for some furniture upgrades.
2. not currently teaching pilates.
3. wanting to take more pictures again... and be in some with my kids.
4. still using my iphone5. its so old at this point but I'm using it until it crashes. Why are iphones so darn expensive now?
5. daydreaming of a new apartment or house. So ready for a new space.
6. released from my calling #yay

Hazel turned five last week. She has been asking to go camping and fishing so we spent two nights at Beaver Bend State Park in Broken Bow, Oklahoma. It was fun and just what we needed.
The kids were great hikers and explorers. Each night after getting clean and ready for bed we would drive around the campground looking for deer. Hazel thought that was the best.
We went fishing, swimming in the lake, hiking, played on the playgrounds, rode an old train, roasted smore's and generally just enjoyed getting a little dirty. 

It's hard to believe Hazel is already five. She is so bright and curious. Every night she asks Brice to tell her how "something" is made. She knows all about the food chain, photosynthesis, how materials are made, and how honeybees make honey. She can add numbers and  is learning sight words. 

She is loving ballet and tolerating soccer. She is a collector of treasures also know as trash, a weekly visitor to the library, and a really good climber. She still loves animals and wants to pet every dog we see. She can do flips on the straight bars and climb on top of the monkey bars at the park. She is really good at bossing Henry around so that he plays out what she wants.

Hazel at five years old is emotional and demanding. She prays sincere prayers and loves being told stories. Her favorite things to watch right now our animal documentaries or PJ Masks. She loves reserving books at the library and greets our librarian with a hug every time. 

Hazel makes our family laugh and is full of energy. She and I are not getting along sometimes but man when I look at her potential I just feel so blessed for a healthy child with so many interests.
We love you Hazel! 
We got as close as we could to a beach to celebrate Labor Day this year. About an hour away is Lewisville Lake and it was great. Lots of people, sand, and warm, shallow water. It was fun to see Hazel and Henry dig in the sand and make their first sandcastles. 
We came home and made our favorite summer meal- grilled veggies and chicken kabobs, cous-cous salad, and pitas with hummus. This summer has been good to us! 

I really haven't found a good time to sit down each day and let my fingers type, but it is so nice to look back on previous experiences and adventures and relive them, so I will keep trying. 
It's 8:45 pm and I just finished vacuuming and still haven't eaten dinner so I'm making tonight's post quick, but it's filled with little things to remember.

- I finally got a fiddle leaf fig plant. If you've ever looked through my Pinterest you know it's been high on my love list but they usually run a $100/ piece which just doesn't seem right right now. Well today Home Depot and smaller ones for $15. I called Brice, replanted it, and have been loving on it since.

- I joined Rover (a dog walking app) and am making $15 for every 30 minute walk  I take with someone else's dog. The kids love it and it's easy and nice to be paid to be out walking.

- It's a big bummer Hazel has to wait another year for Kindergarten. I wouldn't want to send her to the school we're zoned for- but she is ready and eager and so am I for a little break. I'm sure this time next year I will be so sad that it's time- but right now I need some time not answering 1000 questions an hour.

- Everyday Hazel asks how something is made, or why the laws are the way they are, or what certain occupations do all day. I need to get a little more prepared and do some professional visits and let her learn hands on.

- Henry has swimmer's ear- which is no surprise with how often we are in the pool, splash pad, or bathtub. Brice was rolling around with him on the floor the other morning (before we knew about his ear) and I guess he bonked Henry's sensitive ear just right because he cried and cried for 10 minutes. It was so sad.

- Brice worked for two weeks straight to build a website so you could figure out your best TV options to watch the sports game you we're interested in. Well guess what- he's making some money on it now... $9 and counting! Pass it on...

- 25 diapers left and I'm ready to give potty training a chance again. He's still pooping on the potty everyday so we didn't lose it all.

- I thought for sure we would have moved this summer, but since we didn't I've got a few projects to freshen up our apartment. Brice is happy to make some sawdust.

- Hazel is signed up for soccer this fall. It's one practice and one game each week for 7 weeks. 
She's mostly excited about having a coach and cleats. 
:: hazel ::

1. has figured out how to snap and she's so proud when its loud enough for us all to hear.
2. We spent the week babysitting and she has loved singing to baby Nate.
3. Mostly she just sings "you're a cute and chubby baby, yes you are..." 
4. still practices ballet at home but always closes her eyes.
5. loves listening to the Trolls soundtrack
6. needs new workbooks and quiet time activities.

:: henry ::

1. I've woken up once this week to Henry opening granola bars in bed with scissors and another day with the loaf of bread in his bed. 
2. I guess he is growing. 
3. He is mimicking everything Hazel does- pretend play and naughty things.
4. We took a break from potty training so I can regroup but he still goes poop every time on the potty.
5. Loves using sticks as fire hoses. 
6. Lost his pair of salt waters somewhere between getting out the front door and into the car. Seriously though, that's like 20 steps and I cannot find them anywhere.
7. practicing spelling his name and recognizing letters.

:: hazel ::

1. wants to be either a nurse, veterinarian, or fast food worker.
2. has been begging to go to McDonalds so on our roadtrip to TN we stopped. She could hardly believe it.
3. asked us to teach her how to read.
4. I wish she could go to Kinder this fall because she is so ready, but her birthday is too late.
5. Hazel memorized 15 scriptures for Primary this year- she was the first in junior or senior primary!
6. likes telling Alexa- turn on toddler music.
7. Has got a nice summer tan going on.

:: henry ::

1. Is starting to really get the "P" and "H" sounds down.
2. New words he's said: help me mama, pop, top, hat, hands, hot, horse, wash, hands, flush, buzz,and treat.
3. Asks for a snack every night after bedtime prayer.
4. looks so darn cute after a haircut.
5. Isn't afraid of bugs anymore and loves finding rolly-pollys.
6. loves helping wash dishes.
7. his favorite book ever is Brown Bear, Brown Bear.

Well we made our first trip to the Emergency Room this Sunday evening. We were on a walk after dinner, trying to get bedtime to come sooner, when Henry face-planted on a little brick wall and busted his lip. It was bleeding really good but we took his shirt off him and used it to stop the bleeding. When we got a good look at it we were pretty certain he would need a stitch. We made a quick call to ask Dr. Hackett and a nurse in our ward and then went to the ER. 

Henry slept through most of the waiting and I came prepared with a good library book for Hazel and we survived the 2.5 hours. 

I guess they normally sedate kids to do stitches on the face but Baylor doesn't ave pediatric anesthesia so they offered to transfer us to another hospital or just hold him down. It was already 9:15 pm so we said just do it. Henry was a champ really. I think he'll recover just fine but were trying to avoid scars on his chin and cheek.

1. This book. We've checked it out from the library and love it. It looks cute and its good time spent learning and reading. Plus it's ten dollars cheaper right now.
2. This modern buffet- its been on my "oh i wish I could swing it" list for two years now. I really really really want it.
3. I'm ready to change the kids rooms- they both could use bigger beds and real bedding. This will have to wait until we're out of this apartment but I'm starting to feel inspired!

Henry at 28 months
I mean, seriously! 
This mom gig has been tough lately... but this little guy loves his mama so much. I get so many hugs and kisses from him. He is potty trained, except nights are 50/50 still. He has been saying so many words now- we're really working on those b,p,d, and m sounds but he's trying. 
He's sad every-time I leave the house, but loves waving goodbye to Brice. He copies everything Hazel does for better and for worse, loves playing puppies and barking around the house. He can open the fridge by himself, runs right into the street EVERY time (we are really working on that), insists on buckling himself into his car-seat, and can scooter better than most of Hazel's friends.
I love you, boom boom.

Hazel started a little ballet class once a week back in January. It's a little group of church friends and the most darling mom and teacher, Lindsey Hanson. She has really liked it, but complained about too much stretching and getting so hungry. They had their 5 minute recital last night, and man she loved the performing part. 
They all were cute, but my favorite was Hazel during her solo. Eyes closed, dancing slowly, just totally in the zone! 

I'm not sure if she'll want to keep doing ballet or try a sport, but I'm so glad we gave it a try. 
Also, I really don't like this picture of myself but someday i'll be glad I included it.
I can barely keep my eyes open and it's 1:30 on Friday afternoon. This week has been long and overwhelming. 
I took on potty training Henry, and while he is mostly getting it 5 days later, it doesn't bother him when he is wearing wet underwear so that is becoming a major obstacle to fully getting it. We stayed home way too much this week, watched other people's kids, and did so much laundry. Today we made it to two stores and the library with no accidents and just potty breaks though.

I think I'm still recovering post marathon because I just feel on edge and tired all day. Exercise is such a mental release for me, but when my body is sore it's hard to hold back and recover.

 Brice has been applying to jobs, and interviewing, and scheduling fly outs, and waiting for more news all week too. I've spent too much time googling " things to do in...." and checking zillow to get informed on the rental and housing market. I even came home from teaching pilates still frazzled and quit my job. I'll teach through May but then I need a break. I like earning that extra money and it's making a difference in our savings but at the cost of my energy and mental sanity. 

The majority of my calling is done the last week of each month too. 
I know I need to be better at not letting the things happening around me, instantly overwhelm me. I know potty accidents are part of the process and probably will be for the next few weeks, but I'm tired and feelign emotional about lots of things.

It's Friday though- groceries are bought, sheets are washed, and the sun is out. I can do it, and it can even be enjoyable right!?
:: hazel ::

1. is growing up right in front of me.
2. The last few "school" days/playdates she insists on going to the front door by herself. She gets out of the car yells "love you Mom" and she's off!
3. loves playing with friends right now
4. Hazel, Kyle and Caleb (neighbor friends) played outside together yesterday and she was just filthy by the end but they had so much fun pretending to be on a snake hunt, looking at baby ducks, playing tag, and slopping through the creek.
5. is negotiating "toy trades" with Henry unsuccessfully.
6. cheers for Henry every time he uses the potty!

:: henry ::

1. had an evaluation with a speech therapist today. They were sure to tell me all the things he's doing great, but his expressive language needs some help. We will start therapy next month I think.
2. is so attached to his mama right now.
3. He has been using the potty daily but noncommittally, but I'm ready. We can do this. next Monday!
4. we bought underwear and skittles. 
5. has fallen asleep while eating lunch twice lately. 
6. insists on a certain corner of the couch for show watching.
7. finally outgrowing 12 month clothes.

Monday morning I was up at 6:45. I had laid everything out the night before so it was easy to get ready and out the door. Brice walked with me to Boston Commons, where all runners we're loading buses to the Athlete's Village.
The anxiety and excitement was so real and surrounded by thousands of people that had worked hard to get here was emotional. I said goodbye to Brice and got myself on a bus. It took about 40 minutes to get the Athlete's Village in Hopkinton. Basically we took up all the grass yard of a school. I was running in Wave 2 which started at 10:25 so I had about an hour to just kill. Some people were asleep on blankets and others waited in long lines for the potties. It actually went by pretty quickly and then it was time to line up and head towards the starting line.
Fighter jets flew over and the Elites started and then my wave started twenty minutes later. The first 3 miles went by so quickly, there's lots of weaving among runners and trying to find a pace, but by mile 5 my quads were already burning. I started drinking water at every other station hoping it would help. Miles 5-13 were so mental. I honestly was so taken back by how tired my legs already felt, I really wasn't sure if I could run the whole 26 miles. I knew I couldn't just quit but 26 miles felt impossible. I decided I needed to just take it one mile at a time, drink more, and slow down my pace.
I got to mile 13 and didn't feel much better but knew these miles would start ticking away and then I'd be left with only single digit miles. Honestly, my legs felt terrible the whole race. I made it up most of the hills without stopping to walk. Heartbreak Hill at mile 20 was not nearly as scary as I had built up in my head and when you're legs are already dead, what's one more hill...
Miles 21-26 were literally just getting one foot in front of the other. I probably walked for 8-10 minutes during these last miles (only 30 second intervals) but I was just so done. Finally I saw the Citgo sign at mile 25 and then turned onto Boylston Street and could see the finish line.That seemed to take forever to get closer to but I saw Brice and my parents and then finally crossed that finish line. 
I have to say even though my personal race was rough the spectators and the atmosphere of running the Boston Marathon is unreal! Between the Wellsley Girls, the fire station in Newton, thousands of families ringing cowbells, and people just begging for high fives- it was an experience I won't ever forget. 
I was exhausted but knew we were short on time to catch the metro to the airport for our flight and I wasn't sure how much slower I had been so as soon as I felt stable enough I just walked towards the hotel. I was so happy to see my family and to shower and be done. Honestly, I felt a little more frustrated and disappointed that it had felt so hard and miserable but it's ok! 
Sometimes we train and plan for things and expect them to work out easily and they don't- but things still must go on and we can still accomplish those hard things. Today I feel part of an elite club and although I never want to run hills again I am so grateful for the experience.

My next post will be a recap of the actual race but I wanted to post about the other things we did too.

Our weekend started with an evening flight into Boston. Brice quickly figured out the metro and got us to our AirBnB. My parents were already there and had already spent the afternoon at Fenway Park. We got some dinner and a few groceries and had a night in.
Saturday Morning we went to the Convention Center and got my bib, racing packet, and toured the EXPO. There is so much running crap for a sport that says all you need is shoes and you can go! ha
We spent Saturday morning at the Finish Line, taking it all in. The whole city was all about the marathon. It was awesome. We watched the cross country one mile races. These 13-17 year olds we're running 4:00-5:30 minutes miles! 

I was happy to try Sweetgreen for my last salad before the race and then we did the walking tour of historic Boston. It was great to see the interiors of old churches and graveyards and the architecture that is so old. Next we headed up to Harvard Square for a quick walk around campus. Honestly, the day was a lot of walking but it was so nice to sit on campus and just think.

On Harvard campus

On Sunday we took a 45 minute metro/walk trip to church in Cambridge. It is where all the MIT Students attend. There were probably 150 extra members there =, all visiting for the marathon. The Bishop, Tagg Romney called it Marathon Sunday although the talks were about Easter and they were wonderful!
We ended up switching to a hotel for Sunday night, not even a quarter of a mile away from the finish line because logistically we figured out we wouldn't have enough time to get our luggage or for me to shower post race before we had to catch our flight. After getting to our hotel it was time to carbo load and we found a yummy Pizza place. My parents dinners weren't spectacular but the pizza was!
I actually fell asleep easily although I was a nervous wreck all day...
Next post- marathon day!
:: hazel ::

1. All ready to go to ballet. She has requested that I learn how to braid better.
2. I bought her a little "highlights- hidden pictures" workbook and she's obsessed.
3. Asks for an apple everyday.
4. Loves riding her scooter around but has been yelling to people "WATCH OUT"
5. Acted out Moana yesterday. Her pretend ship was the kitchen chairs all upside down.
6. Keeps asking if I'm going to win my race or come in second?
7. loves performing, singing, and telling stories.

:: henry ::

1. The independence stage has kicked in strong. It takes him 5 minutes to buckle himself into his carseat but I'm letting him do it mostly.
2. Wants to climb on the kitchen counter anytime I start food prep.
3. Got to pet a horse yesterday and now stomps his foot, like the horse did to get the flies away.
4.  Gets really upset if we don't see construction during a car drive.
5. I finally got a referral from the doctor to see a speech therapist.
6. The baby ducks are hatching around the lake and he saw some and cradled his arms to tell me "baby." He loves real babes too!
7. We learned the signs to "brown bear brown bear"

:: hazel ::

1. She could read library books all day if I could keep my eyes open.
2. Has been wanting to read more chapter books lately.
3. She even tries to sound out words and points to words as I say them.
4. Wants sunglasses so bad (the Easter Bunny has her covered). The other day in the car she was borrowing mine and she put them on top of her head and asked, "Do I look like a young Mom?"
5. has been saying, "I'm just not liking that very much right now.... mostly when I offer a fruit or vegetable.
6. loves playing "doctor" with her two friends at Mom School. Apparently they have babies in their tummies a lot.
7. She's on a daily does of miralax (going on 4 months) and it makes her so gassy!

:: henry ::

1. I tried the YMCA child care this week and he's come out of there with lots of jibberish. 
2. loves joining me in burpees, planks, and push-ups.
3. Henry has learned the art of delaying bedtime. How much water does a kid really need when they go to bed?
4. loves doing the hand motions for Book of Mormon Stories.
5. If he sees candy or chocolate he starts smacking his lips offering kisses for a treat.
6. Finally got him a pair of shoes he cant take off. Thanks Grandma for the Saltwaters.
7. New pair of suspenders- I could just eat him with those on.
Last week I turned TWENTY-SEVEN! 

So 27 things about me and my life right now to try and make up for the weeks of not blogging.

1. I'm running the Boston Marathon in less than a month.
2. Teaching Pilates once a week for now.
3. My calling is Visiting Teaching Coordinator.
4. Discovered that I do like bell peppers.
5. I'm very much in a minimal state of mind. I like less things around the apartment, less things being bought, and less things on my calendar.
6. Ready for a bigger apartment or to move so we can afford a house.
7. So grateful to have a car everyday again.
8. I want to wear lipstick more often.
9. Normally, I like cooking at home but lately I just don't want to make dinner.
10. I got a new ring for Valentines Day- two whole sizes smaller than my engagement ring.
11. Really want to buy a pair of black Swedish Hasbeens and a jade cake stand.
12. I've never actually baked a birthday cake.
13. I'm definitely tired of waking up at 5:30 to run before Brice needs to leave for work.
14. Should probably buy myself a new swimsuit.
15. Mostly reading a lot of children's book from the library, but I did read and really enjoy, Daring Greatly by Brene Brown.
16. I didn't touch my eyebrows for 16 weeks and got then them reshaped and waxed yesterday and it was so so worth it!
17. Took my first Pilates Reformer class last month and loved it.
18. Wishing I knew our plan for the end of summer. Our apartment lease will be up, and I don't want to resign it.
19. Probably not eating enough throughout the day.
20. I'm thinking of starting to count macros- I'm so close to seeing a full 6 pack but I don't think I'm eating quite enough protein. 
21. Wish I was a blogger that got sent free stuff from my favorite stores and brands too!
22. Trying to say yes when I mean it and no when I want to.
23. Excited for our long weekend to Boston without kids! My parents are coming too!
24. Wish I could have a kneaders sandwich and chocolate covered cinnamon bears from the BYU bookstore.
25. Gave up m&ms (my biggest vice) on December 26th and have only had them once since then.  #sweettooth
26. I'm so grateful Brice and I are married- and happy-and willing to work for it.
27. Excited for another year and maybe another city?!
:: hazel ::

1. is asking some really thoughtful questions lately.
2. loves learning. She's been asking what a lot of words mean- and wants to know more about animals and their habitats.
3. Watching the Magic School Bus.
4. loves to "reserve" books at the library. She thinks it awesome that we just show up and they're ready for us to take them home.
5. Really wants us to move to a farm and live in a barn. She say's she'll help with all the chores except for poop pickup.
6. Has memorized three new scriptures for a challenge in Primary.
7. says we go shopping too much.

:: henry ::

1. this kid loves salsa and sour cream. 
2. still loves all construction trucks and fire engines, every Dalmatian he see's is a firefighter.
3. He still isn't talking much and isn't frustrated by it...but I am.
4. Bawled his eyes out after we event through the car wash on Monday.
5. We went to the Arboretum this week to run through the fountains (its was 90*) and he thought it was the best! This summer is going to be fun for him!
6. Sleeping great in his big boy bed.
7. Hates wearing shoes still- except for dad's! 
- Hazel had her tonsils out two weeks ago. While recovery was a good 10 days, I enjoyed the extra naps and snuggles. Hazel was really brave, and really doesn't remember much about the hospital at all.

- Henry is the clingiest he has been ever, ever! He doesn't want anyone but mama to do anything for him. We aren't super accommodating to that but it's nice to feel needed and exhausting at the same time.

- Marathon Training! The Boston Marathon is 9 weeks out. I'm feeling better and better as I get some of my long runs done. Everything is booked and we're doing it!

- I'm teaching pilates again, but just once a week for now. We needed some evenings back together without chaos, but it is really nice to have an outlet for myself.

- Brice is commuting an hour each way to work which is not ideal, but he's getting through the Book of Mormon and finding interesting podcasts each week.

- I've been a consistent cook since we've been married (its healthier and cheaper to cook at home)  but I kinda just want to buy a rotessori chicken and call it good.

- We did go out to eat on Saturday and there was a group of high school girls behind us... I couldn't understand half of what they were saying between snapchat and other apps and shows they were talking about.

- I'm really starting to itch for a move. I'm not sure how big or small but I'm ready for a change.

- Henry has said a few more words, but he said his first series- "bye-bye, da-da." I'm worried about his speech development but Brice and the doctor are telling em to just relax about it, so I'm trying to find the middle ground which is actively working on it without stressing when I should be sleeping.

_ Hazel really enjoys going to ballet but so far all she can show for it is first position and "stretches that make her body too hot." :)

- Height 33 inches (10%)
- Weight 25 pounds (25%)
- Still a mama's boy in every way
- obsessed with construction sites, dumb trucks, and dogs
- loves going to the library where he is really good at taking books off their shelves
- pretends to be a puppy and loves getting pat on the head
- the best eater except he still won't eat any meat
- loves sandwiches, salsa, yogurt, berries, smoothies, corn, beans, and cookies
- has learned about 50 signs
- only says "mama, dada, by-by, baby, Papa, book.
- loves cookies
-He's so bracve at the park- loves clibing and sliding. Doesn't like to be pushed in the swings for long.
- Do as I'm doing  and head shoulders, knees, and toes are his favorite songs.
- We converted his crib into a toddler bed and he's doing great. He's not so sure about sleeping on a pillow though.
- Still naps from 12:30-2:30/3:00ish.
- Is waking up between 6:15 and 6:4 everyday ready for breakfast.
- Makes a complete mess every bath

-He brings a lot of joy into our lives. Henry, is a busy boy who is often just watching and taking his surroundings in, but then he is the fastest little 2 year old on a scooter already. We sure love you bud! Now start talking, because I'm dying to hear your little voice.

:: hazel ::
1. wants to know why she isn't invited to the baby shower I'm hosting.
2.  told me after a long morning of errands- she just doesn't like shopping.
3. we hosted Mom School this week and Hazel loved having her friends over.
4. complains about the pink chapstick Santa got her (it's not the right pink) every time we go to Target.
5. finally counting correctly- 13,14,15 were tricky for her. She was skipping 14.
6. asks questions all day!

:: henry ::

1. acts like a puppy all day long. 
2. HA made up a sign for backhoe (digger). It's the first thing he does when anyone asks him any question. digger.
3. fell on the escalator and scraped up his nose.
4. Woke up from his nap yesterday, limping- the doctor said his hip joints are inflamed, probably from a viral infection two weeks ago.
5. has cried twice in the car because we didn't see any construction sites while driving.
6. After we put Hazel to bed we have about 15 minutes with just Henry and Brice and I just die at about everything he does. he is adorable!
:: hazel ::

1. starts ballet class today.
2. She is so excited about wearing a leotard and pointe shoes.
3. Last night, when tucking her in she had tears in her eyes and asked "what if I don't learn everything to do the performance?"
4. can write her full name now- but the "S" is always a little crazy.
5. we read through our library books so quickly. I usually check 10-12 out and we read them ten times each in 3 or 4 days.
6. She wants to go to school so bad. I wish preschools weren't so expensive, because I'd think about doing it.
7. Says she's STARVING hungry every hour.

:: henry ::

1. obsessed with construction equipment, tractors, and trucks.
2. a very nice foreman let Henry sit on an excavator yesterday in the Target parking lot. His face lit up.
3. I can't find shoes that stay on his feet. 
4. loves playing at the park now and can climb and slide and jump with the big kids.
5. sometimes he hits me and when I say that makes me sad he immediately gives me kisses.
6. turns TWO in two weeks!
7. We've been picking up more sign language since he's still not talking. He can sign: more, please, thank-you, father, mother, banana, yogurt, tree, table, doctor, water, drink, milk, cracker, cookie, all done, go to sleep, and dog.
8. Favorite songs are  head, shoulders, knees, and toes and do as I'm doing.

The last few weeks have just gotten away from me and I've missed writing in this little place. 
Our life has been consumed with lots of holiday cheer and a hefty side of awful sickness. Brice has Strep Throat for the second time this month. The kids had bouts of throwing up for three days straight and I hardly got any sleep. I've been dealing with a nagging case of plantar fasciitis for months that is finally feeling good again, just in time for some tendinitis and a blister so bad that I think I'm losing a toenail. Some runners see this as a rite of passage, but I prefer to keep all my toenails.

Don't worry, I think we're all on the mend. Things are getting better. Brice is on antibiotics and is ready to give elderberry syrup and my other tricks a try, maybe.

2016 was a good year for our little family. I took lots of cute pictures of our kids. I ran a marathon and registered for the Boston Marathon this coming April. Brice ran a half-marathon and has consistently been running still. Brice like his job, but I think we're starting to feel the need for a change. 
I got a job in the Spring, teaching a few group fitness classes and it was exactly what I needed for awhile. I'm taking a little break form teaching, well probably for a few months, but the job is there when I'm ready. 
We bought a second car and that has been such a relief! 
We have some of the best friends here in Dallas and really love our ward. We've stayed busy with some DIY's, park weather most of the year, playdates, and exploring the city.
We've had lots of visitors through the summer and fall and even spent Christmas break in California.
We found out the Hacketts are trying to adopt and pray for them every night! We can't wait to see what future children join their family. 
Lastly, we welcomed Doug and Lucinda home from their mission in Timor Liste. Just a few weeks after being home, my father in law was diagnosed with Lymphoma. We know he's strong and will fight and pray for him every night too. 

We are blessed. Life is not perfect, but we have a lot to be grateful for. 

 I'm ready for 2017! 
I've got goals to accomplish and personal growth I want to see. All in another post.