bullet points

- Hazel had her tonsils out two weeks ago. While recovery was a good 10 days, I enjoyed the extra naps and snuggles. Hazel was really brave, and really doesn't remember much about the hospital at all.

- Henry is the clingiest he has been ever, ever! He doesn't want anyone but mama to do anything for him. We aren't super accommodating to that but it's nice to feel needed and exhausting at the same time.

- Marathon Training! The Boston Marathon is 9 weeks out. I'm feeling better and better as I get some of my long runs done. Everything is booked and we're doing it!

- I'm teaching pilates again, but just once a week for now. We needed some evenings back together without chaos, but it is really nice to have an outlet for myself.

- Brice is commuting an hour each way to work which is not ideal, but he's getting through the Book of Mormon and finding interesting podcasts each week.

- I've been a consistent cook since we've been married (its healthier and cheaper to cook at home)  but I kinda just want to buy a rotessori chicken and call it good.

- We did go out to eat on Saturday and there was a group of high school girls behind us... I couldn't understand half of what they were saying between snapchat and other apps and shows they were talking about.

- I'm really starting to itch for a move. I'm not sure how big or small but I'm ready for a change.

- Henry has said a few more words, but he said his first series- "bye-bye, da-da." I'm worried about his speech development but Brice and the doctor are telling em to just relax about it, so I'm trying to find the middle ground which is actively working on it without stressing when I should be sleeping.

_ Hazel really enjoys going to ballet but so far all she can show for it is first position and "stretches that make her body too hot." :)

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