I can remember my first day in Provo. 
My parents moved me into my apartment at Wyview, I met two new roommates (both of whom I loved), my parents took me grocery shopping and then dropped me off at New Student Orientation. It is embarrassing to admit, but I sat in my parents car for like twenty minutes...crying... I did not want to get out and go alone. It's so silly looking back because I loved orientation. I liked my roommates, I survived my classes that first year, etc....but I felt too young to be doing such an adult thing. 
 Fast forward 5 years, which really does feel like its flown by and I'm done. I couldn't be happier to be done with classes, homework, and especially exams in the testing center (dun..dun..dun...)but at the same time feel oh so lucky to have a college education, to graduate with no debt, and to have experienced a secular and spiritual level of higher learning! 

Thank you to all my family members an in-laws, friends, and teachers for your encouragement and support. And thank you to wonderful friends/babysitters- I would not have done it without you! :)

Tomorrow is the big day. I couldn't be more excited for the long ceremony.

The last few days I've thought a lot about my time in China. It's been three years since being a volunteer English teacher. I remember how hard it was to stick with the decision to go, especially because Brice and I had just gotten engaged. I am so glad I went.... today I miss these kiddos.

My in-laws have been scanning and saving all their pictures taken over the years so it has been so fun to see pictures of Brice growing up... It is amazing to look at a picture over twenty years old and just see the same face looking back at me. 
Brice was such a cute kid- adventurous, a little sneaky, and really shy.

Hazel is already six months! We made m&m cookies to celebrate-and ate too many of them!! 
These days Hazel is into anything and everything.

-She loves to be on her tummy (she never stays on her back anymore)
-We put her on her back during nap and bedtime, but she always rolls over to her tummy and sleeps like that.
-She scoots everywhere, but only going backwards
-She has started to bend her knees under herself and get up on all fours.
-She has crawled forward a few times but usually plops down on her tummy
-She is crazy- she likesto push up on her arms and straighten her legs behind her and stand on her toes (downward dog)
-Loves to suck on her pointer finger or stick her fingers in your mouth!
-Still takes two naps a day
-Sleeps from 8:15-8:30 pm...until 8:00 to 9:00 am.
- Loves to smile, coo, and watch her parents.

-Weighs 15.12 lbs (30th%)
-Height: 25.6 inches (36th%)
- Head Circumference 16 inches (11th%)

Our sweet friend, Naomi not only babysits Hazel so I can go to class, but also takes awesome pictures for us! We wanted to get a few graduation pictures taken before the big day and she captured exactly how we were all feeling! I am so excited to be almost done and I know Brice is so proud and happy to have a wife with a college degree. Let's hope I use my degree :)
Enjoy these snapshots!

This one will for sure be framed and hanging in our house!

We're working on finishing up my announcements and they should be sent out in the mail this Friday..if you have a new address and want an announcement- make sure to leave it in the comments!

Graduation is just around the corner. We have 9 school days left. I think I'm going to make it. 
I cannot wait for the semester to be over, to enjoy a weekend with my family, and to pack up our apartment for our summer in Seattle! While we're gone our apartment is being remodeled and I cannot wait to see it and put things back in order in a fancy little place! 

At the beginning of this semester I was overwhelmed and still fighting some crazy hormones- i think. Somehow we've survived and really enjoyed Hazel along the
way! I am so so so grateful for the lovely ladies that have babysat for me and have taken the biggest mental burden off of my mind.
Here's to 3 more tests, 4 Pilates lesson, and a practical exercise physiology test. 
The countdown continues...

Something about Easter and Spring makes you hopeful and happy! 
I know we love the spring colors, the sunny skies, the time with family, but most importantly we are so grateful for our Savior, Jesus Christ. What a miracle it was that he rose from the dead and how grateful we are today- for a living Christ! 
We enjoyed our Sunday worship, dinner with family, and a few sweet treats! 

Hazel enjoyed scooting all over the place. This girl can scoot backwards all day and is trying to get up on her knees to go forward. So far she's only moving backwards though and we're glad...its easier to keep track of her this way :)