I realize I've been a little m.i.a. lately, but the truth is we were all just settling into routines. In the last few weeks my parents came to visit, my little sister, Chelsea, started college (what!!?), football season started, we spent a quick but warm weekend in St. George, and the career fair/intramural games have taken over Brice's evenings.
I've been running a lot, and that doesn't include chasing after Hazel all day and planning a first birthday! Were looking forward to General Conference this weekend and our traditional pizza palooza! I'll get back into blogging again too!!
For now here's a preview of new family pictures :)

Monday: 10 miles in the morning at 7:45 pace
Tuesday: 13 miles in 1:40 and ab workout
Wednesday: 7 miles easy pace plus insanity
Thursday: 10 miles in 1:18
Friday: 10 miles plus insanity workout
Saturday: 10 miles outside
Sunday: rest day!

I loved running this week! I'm looking for another marathon to sign up for but I think I'm going to wait until I'm done nursing Hazel before I really start to train. This week I just feel fast and strong and even after finishing my runs I would tell Brice I want to go more...
 This weeks total: 60 miles
Miles this year: 1517

Our sweet babe hardly feels like a little baby anymore.I cannot believe  that she will be a one-year old next month! The birthday party planning has officially begun! 

11 months tid-bits
- Spent time on a boat for the first time with a long weekend at Lake Powell. It looks like she got my skin rather than Brice's- that baby can tan like nobody's business.
-She absolutely loves swimming, splashing and taking baths. We take a bath every night and it lasts for at least 30-40 minutes. 
- Goes to bed at 8:00 pm every night but is starting to wake up earlier- like 6:45 in the early morning!
-Loves to cuddle with dad in bed and play "I'm gonna get you"
-Walks all day, all by herself, but hates wearing shoes. 
-Goes up and down stairs before I've even noticed she's out of the room.
- Loves sitting in her high chair to eat- pasta, fruit, veggies except for zucchini. Her favorite food has got to be yogurt- she eats a 6 oz carton almost everyday.
-Hazel cut her 6th tooth jsut barely this last weekend. She now has 4 on top and 2 on the bottom
- Staring to sign "more" and "all done"
- Loves to read books and carry around "Mr. Fox." -We'll introduce Mr. Fox to you soon, don't worry :)
- Has really liked dogs from afar but has been terrified this week of the Hunter's dog, Larry.
- likes to make a mess of my hair products and toiletries.
-Hazel says "ba-bye" and waves to everyone we pass
-Can day mama and dada and papa and baba and she usually does a lot of babbling in a cute little whisper.
-Has her mom and dad wrapped around her finger :) We love her so much!
-Still wearing 6-12 month clothes with a lot of room to spare and in size 3 diapers.
- nurses about 4 times a day still but we're officially working on cutting down nursings.
-Loves munching on cheerios, blueberries, and goldfish.

^check out those tan lines^