Henry turns TWO


- Height 33 inches (10%)
- Weight 25 pounds (25%)
- Still a mama's boy in every way
- obsessed with construction sites, dumb trucks, and dogs
- loves going to the library where he is really good at taking books off their shelves
- pretends to be a puppy and loves getting pat on the head
- the best eater except he still won't eat any meat
- loves sandwiches, salsa, yogurt, berries, smoothies, corn, beans, and cookies
- has learned about 50 signs
- only says "mama, dada, by-by, baby, Papa, book.
- loves cookies
-He's so bracve at the park- loves clibing and sliding. Doesn't like to be pushed in the swings for long.
- Do as I'm doing  and head shoulders, knees, and toes are his favorite songs.
- We converted his crib into a toddler bed and he's doing great. He's not so sure about sleeping on a pillow though.
- Still naps from 12:30-2:30/3:00ish.
- Is waking up between 6:15 and 6:4 everyday ready for breakfast.
- Makes a complete mess every bath

-He brings a lot of joy into our lives. Henry, is a busy boy who is often just watching and taking his surroundings in, but then he is the fastest little 2 year old on a scooter already. We sure love you bud! Now start talking, because I'm dying to hear your little voice.

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