let's pretend this was written in december

The last few weeks have just gotten away from me and I've missed writing in this little place. 
Our life has been consumed with lots of holiday cheer and a hefty side of awful sickness. Brice has Strep Throat for the second time this month. The kids had bouts of throwing up for three days straight and I hardly got any sleep. I've been dealing with a nagging case of plantar fasciitis for months that is finally feeling good again, just in time for some tendinitis and a blister so bad that I think I'm losing a toenail. Some runners see this as a rite of passage, but I prefer to keep all my toenails.

Don't worry, I think we're all on the mend. Things are getting better. Brice is on antibiotics and is ready to give elderberry syrup and my other tricks a try, maybe.

2016 was a good year for our little family. I took lots of cute pictures of our kids. I ran a marathon and registered for the Boston Marathon this coming April. Brice ran a half-marathon and has consistently been running still. Brice like his job, but I think we're starting to feel the need for a change. 
I got a job in the Spring, teaching a few group fitness classes and it was exactly what I needed for awhile. I'm taking a little break form teaching, well probably for a few months, but the job is there when I'm ready. 
We bought a second car and that has been such a relief! 
We have some of the best friends here in Dallas and really love our ward. We've stayed busy with some DIY's, park weather most of the year, playdates, and exploring the city.
We've had lots of visitors through the summer and fall and even spent Christmas break in California.
We found out the Hacketts are trying to adopt and pray for them every night! We can't wait to see what future children join their family. 
Lastly, we welcomed Doug and Lucinda home from their mission in Timor Liste. Just a few weeks after being home, my father in law was diagnosed with Lymphoma. We know he's strong and will fight and pray for him every night too. 

We are blessed. Life is not perfect, but we have a lot to be grateful for. 

 I'm ready for 2017! 
I've got goals to accomplish and personal growth I want to see. All in another post.

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