easter baskets

Happy Easter from our little family! 
It was fun to make little Easter baskets for Hazel and Henry this year. Hazel got a new swimsuit and sunglasses and some eggs filled with fruit snacks! We never buy them so she was pretty excited to see those. Henry's basket had sunglasses and bunny snacks with a few eggs too! 

It sure is fun celebrating holidays with kids around. Thanks Grandma Montgomery for helping with Hazel's outfit! It's just too fun to dress these babes up.

More importantly, we're so grateful for our Savior Jesus Christ. We've tried to take advantage to teach Hazel a little about the Savior's love for each of us and about the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. She understands quite a bit but mostly just asks everyone if they're going to die soon. 
She really must be contemplating what we tell her because this week she asked Brice "if animals come back and get their bodies again after they die?" This started of course because of the dead duck on the road that stirred a week of questions. woof. And then today in church there was an older man sitting behind us, maybe 60 years old and Hazel turned to me and said, "Mom, he's old- he is going to die soon." I hurried to distract her and quiet her voice and I told her that he wasn't very old yet just older than us and she replied "No, mom- look at his hands. they're old."
out of the mouth of babes, right?!

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