
I've always looked forward to the start of a new week.

 I like to pick up from the weekend, do laundry, and get a good run in to start the week off right. I ran 8 miles this morning outside and my last three were 6:55, 6:54, 6:57. I'm taking the whole "finish fast" approach seriously. It's usually motivated by the fact that Brice needs to go to work and I'm still a little too far away.

Today I smell like cabbage -Helping the weaning process right along, laundry is folded and put away, and I put out red and pink M&Ms for the month.
It's payday... and rent is due today too. I hate when they land on the exact same day. Money in and money out so fast.
Girls night in tonight watching those crazies on the Bachelor.

How's your Monday?

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