thursday tidbits

:: hazel ::

1. We hosted "tot-school" this week and she loved having a friend over. I was grateful it was a smaller than usual group.
2. She loves going on wanders with just Brice outside. They both come home tired and thirsty with stories to tell me.
3. this week we went to an open gym and she fell asleep in the car on the way home.
4. She tells me "I'm her best girl."
5. She has been all about "girl-trips" to the store.
6. Yesterday I stopped to buy some gas for a stranger that was stranded and she asked me so many questions about it . In the end she said, "Mom- that was the nicest thing to do." Seriously the best pat of my day.
7. She has been pulling/pushing down Henry a little bit and said she didn't want him in our family anymore, so its not all perfect and easy over here :)
8. She asked me for some running shoes for her birthday.
9. has acted like a dog all week

:: henry ::

1. this guy turned 8 months yesterday and i cannot believe he is that big already.
2. Drooling everywhere.
3. He had a blowout this morning which is just so rare for him.
4. We borrowed a box full of trains, cars, and blocks from a friend for a few days and he has loved making a mess of it. 
5. Loves to eat dinner with us and loves his mama's milk.
6. falls asleep in the car to primary songs in a blink.
7. Henry has started lovin on that little fox just like Hazel did.

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