eight months


 ^ He grins with his whole little mouth ^

- currently has three teeth that have cut through, but they're still making their way all the way up...two on the bottom and one on top...
- goes to bed at 8:00 and wakes up at 6:30 on the dot
- For two or three days he started biting me while nursing but after scolding him and putting him on the floor and walking away twice he hasn't done it again. bites are the worst!
- LOVES when Hazel sings songs to him
- his hair is looking a little red just like Hazel's did at this age
- loves playing with the zany zoo right now or duplos with Hazel
- crawls to sit on my lap all day
- loves BANANAS, fresh peaches and pears, SWEET POTATOES
- sits in his high chair at dinner time and just looks so grown up
- Henry is constantly standing up while holding onto something and has started letting go and standing there alone for a second. I don't think his little legs are strong enough to even try walking though.
- loves being outside in the stroller
- SMILES all day!
- wearing 3-6 month bottoms and 6-12 month tops.
- His next appointment isnt for two weeks so i have no idea his height or weight. Ill add it in when we know.
- he noticed a squirrel yesterday and was just fixated on its little movements
- loves his mama, but still isn't saying "mama" or "dada"
- naps at 9:00-10:30 and 1:00ish-3:00 (no complaints from me)

^ can you see those little teeth?! ^

I am so grateful to be Henry's mother. I've told Brice a lot from the beginning that I think Henry is going to just be a sweet and sensitive boy and recently I've had a few little experiences that just confirm this. Henry is always crawling over to sit on my lap or lay next to me if I'm on the floor and a few times lately my heart has just surged with anticipation. I feel his love for me so strongly. Of course he needs me and recognizes me, but man I can FEEL his love for me and it is overwhelming. I hope we always are close.

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