thursday tidbits

:: hazel ::

1. keeps asking to go back to Savvy's house.
2. Along with telling stories and making up characters, Hazel loves to sing!
3. She is loving reading "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" but absolutely insists that the Whos' "roast beast" is a turkey.
4. is climbing on everything. Already this morning I've asked her to get off of the counters, the fridge, and the door handle.
5. She woke up at 6:00 am and just laid on the couch watching the Christmas lights. I came out 15 minutes later to nurse Henry and found her just laying there. I was so confused, but I guess Henry's crying woke her up but she looked outside and said it was still dark.
6. Her feet have grown so much the last few months- size 8 is now tight.
7. yet she still wears 2T pants.
8. Keeps asking who each present is for, but hasn't grasped the idea that Santa brings presents. She doesn't really ask for anything.

:: henry ::

1. is taking steps all day every day!
2. was not happy to get his picture taken instead of getting milk.
3. i'm pretty sure his favorite time of day is dinner time. He loves to eat anything.
4. is doing surprisingly well leaving the Christmas tree alone.
5. still loves the stroller and is such a trooper going on walks everyday.
6. is totally in that stage of getting into everything. The cupboards, toiletries, fridge, t.p.- things are starting to get messy around here.
7. opposite of Hazel- he is still wearing mostly 3/6 months with an occasional 6-12 month outfit, I'm having to buy warmer clothes in these smaller sizes because what i have prepped for him is way too big!

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