9 months

Height: 26.5 inches
Weight: 17.8 pounds
Head Circumference: 17

- Henry now has two teeth on the bottom and three on top
- Crawls and is getting into EVERYTHING!
- His favorite thing to do is unplug the vacuum while I'm cleaning 
- loves going on stroller walks and is starting to notice thing more
- wearing some 3-6 month clothes and some 6-12 month
-Sleeps from 8:00 pm to 6:30 am
- I bought him the cutest pair of sneakers for when he starts walking.
- follows Hazel around and loves to get into whatever she has
- His favorite foods to eat: avocado, bread, cheese, puffs, bananas, apple slices, pancakes,  and chicken.
- gives the best kisses now! open mouth and slobbery
- loves saying "Hi" by waving now
- has the best blue eyes and pretty fine hair still.
- I think he is understanding my signs for more, all done, and please but doesn't sign back at all.
- Naps at 9:00-10:15 and 1:00-3:00ish
-We are just so glad he's in our family and i really cant believe how quickly he's growing.

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