Henry is four months


^ Dont mind that middle finger of his- we had a talk about it :) ^

- He loves his mama!
- Hazel can make him laugh the easiest.
- Weighs 15 pounds and 8 oz (50th percentile) and is 24.5 inches long (25th percentile)
- Henry does not like his carseat at all! It's probably because he's not in it all that often, but its guaranteed even a five minute drive will be filled with crying.
- Wears some 3-6 months clothes and some 0-3 still.
- During the day he naps from 9:00-10:15 and 12:00-3:00 and 4:30-5:30. He goes to bed between 7:30 and 8:30 most nights but is waking up two to three times each night. I usually feed him because then he goes back down so easily, but I've decided it's time to sleep train. He's big enough and just needs to learn to sleep at night now. WISH US LUCK!
- He is a tummy sleeper. At 8 weeks old we noticed he was getting a pretty big flat spot on the back of his head so after getting it evaluated (it was too mild to act on it but the specialist suggested we avoid things with an incline and do more tummy time) I started putting him to sleep on his stomach. He didn't seem to mind or care about the switch at all. He probably only spends an hour or two each day on his back now and the spot has almost completely fixed itself.
- Still wearing size one diapers but he is ready to move up to size two
- Does great in the stroller, loves his binki, and loves being swaddled to sleep.
- this kid is a sweaty sleeper. 
- Henry loves one-on-one attention and being talked to directly. He will give anyone the biggest smiles and has started actually giggling
- He can grab toys and hair :) and is starting to put most things straight into his mouth. 
- Isn't rolling over yet, but does baby pushups and can sorta scoot!! Its kinda crazy to watch him bending his knees under his tummy and plow forward but he does it daily!

We just love him!

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