
It feels like its been awhile since I've been to this little blank space of internet. I find myself mentally writing blog posts and things down as were out on walks and I can't remember to sit down and write them out when we get home. But here's my chance.

Some days...
Some days are so good it is overwhelming. I give thanks for my two healthy kids, a supportive and fun husband, our little apartment, a good job, a car that fits all of us, such good friends, and such loving and thoughtful family members. On these days I am extra observant of all the little things that make me happy too- clothes that fit again, watching Hazel act out stories with her animals, listening to her sing "Follow the Prophet," seeing Henry notice me walk by and smile right at me, enough food to keep us full and happy, furniture we like, little house decorations, Henry's long eyelashes, painted nails, and even new shoes. Some days having two kids is a breeze and i just love being home, in our safe and clean home all day with the little people that I love the most.

Some days...
Some days it rains and we cant even get out to go on a walk and I just stare at the walls of our apartment and I can't stand anything we own. Some days we miss out on fun play activities and seeing friends, I get sick of playing with the same toys, or even playing in the same room everyday. Some days I think about just how tired I am from getting up with Henry each and every night and answering each of Hazel's questions. Some days I just really resent not having time to myself, or going to the gym to exercise, or miss teaching Pilates. Some days I miss going to the temple so easily and having more quality time with Brice. Some days I can't help but notice everyone else's vacations they take so often, or the money they seem to have, or the talents that I'm lacking.

I'm thankful for those days where things just don't feel right or I'm just not quite feeling happy enough, because they're almost always followed up by a day where I notice everything good and I can't help but just thank my Heavenly Father all day for everything. I guess the thing that I'm learning is sometimes the bigger life things aren't always going to be right or aren't the way we want them to be (housing, car, relationships, finances, freedoms) but there are so many little things going perfectly and little things that are just right that I really would hate to see them go. 

So some days are good and some days are just the opposite but I am so grateful for each and everyday.

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