How did I do?

Well this is what my New Years Resolutions looked like for the year. In case you can't read them, they say:

1. Be more Christlike
2. Exercise my mind & body each day
3. Be quick to serve others
4. Journal
5. See people the way Heavenly Father sees them
6. Marathon year :)
7. Eat a balanced diet

I think these goals really helped me to not feel discouraged if I wasn't perfect. Everyone knows I eat too many M&M's but I tried to eat better, exercise more, serve others, judge less, and keep a journal blog. I suggest making the columns "Essential", "Necessary", and "Nice to do" to keep your life less stressed and to make sure priorities stay priorities. School is only is not an essential.
Hope everyone can look back and say they enjoyed 2011 and felt improvement somewhere in their lives.

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