ten things about me

1. I love to organize and clean. a clean car. a clean house. clean laundry. someone else's cupboards. cleaning and organizing totally relaxes me.

2. I love a good before & after. House renovations. make-overs. an organization spree.

3. I really enjoy cooking, but dread baking.

4. I've been training hard for a half-marathon PR. I don't even want to say the time I'm hoping for, but I feel like I'm on track.

5.  I only have 16 shirts hanging in my closet. 

6.  I have a bad habit of only getting a haircut like twice a year but my next one is going to be good. Cut and Color!!

7. I can count the number of times I've cried on one hand since having Hazel. I'm going to blame it on hormone fluctuation but even when I feel like I need a good cry there's nothing.

8. I love running with music on. It definitely keeps me motivated and my thoughts busy, but I want to start running without it. I'm working on having less noise in my daily life in general. 

9. I love having a daily routine but I've noticed that when my routine gets messed up (vacations, sleeping in, etc) I have a hard time adjusting. I want to be disciplined, but more go with the flow. I want to be dependable but need to relax more.

10. this is embarrassing, but I've watched Gilmore girls all the way through THREE times now. And only saw two movies in a theater last year. weird.

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