A NICU Update

When we were just a few hours from being discharged from the hospital on Saturday afternoon, Henry turned blue and had to be given oxygen. When they hooked him up to monitors in the nursery he had a really low resting heart rate (70-100). I guess a more normal baseline would be 120+. The nurses had him hooked up for hours but he never got dusky again. Our pediatrician immediately ordered a heart echo, EKG, and a chest x-ray
Everything came back clear and normal but they decided to observe him in the NICU for 48 hours. His baseline still is lower than normal but he's had no additional spells or issues. They think maybe he choked on some milk since i had fed him just a few minutes before (Reflux). 
Its been an emotional and exhausting 48 hours because I was discharged but stayed at the hospital so I could continue to nurse him exclusively. He is doing great and we should be discharged this morning.
We are looking forward to finally taking him home to meet Hazel, but most importantly we are grateful that he's doing well and all the tests came back clear.

^Finally leaving the hospital^

We got home Monday afternoon and it was exactly what we needed! Of course I was glad that nurses wanted to take all the precautions necessary, but sitting all day in the NICU and sleeping in the on-call room (after I was discharged) was emotionally and physically taxing!
We're home, nursing is going great, and I'm working on helping Henry figure out his night/days. The first night home he didn't sleep until 5 am. That was terrible! But each night he is sleeping longer and longer stretches and I think its going to get better soon. He has been more and more awake and we are loving his slate blue eyes right now.
Today we walked to the library and Target and it felt so good to be outside. I'm feeling mostly normal and happy to be eating again! Those last few weeks of pregnancy I had hardly any appetite for anything.

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