
Today I watched my little girl turn into a toddler.
 Okay, sure it hasn't happened all in one day, but I noticed it all today more than ever. I watched as she picked out her own clothes and almost put on her shorts entirely by herself. I watched as she asked for "flip-flops" and a hat. She loves to accessorize for our exciting days around the house. I watched as she threw all the pillows from the couch to the floor and then enthusiastically jumped straight onto the pile below. Again? again! She says. 

I watched and listened as she told me what she wanted for lunch and snacks. Mostly requesting bananas, carrots and dip (RANCH), bread (Sandwich), and a big piece of cheese. I'm amazed how she's putting sentences together already- not perfectly but three or four words. This girl of mine knows what she wants and asks for it. I'm in awe as I watch her pull out the kitchen chair for herself, sit down, and say please mama.

I watch her build houses, towers, animals, one Duplo block after another. I listen as she giggles and uses her hands to cover her mouth. I watch as she cocks her head back from laughing and then immediately looks at me straight on and rolls her eyes.  I watch her as she carries around the baby doll that I swaddled for her, patting its back and saying "shh- shh" and forcing the eyes closed so she can lay her down on the bed (or in our case an empty Aldi box with another blanket in it.)

I could go on and on about her learning colors, and recognizing half of the letters of the alphabet. Or learning to sing along with mom and dad to her favorite songs, and learning the differences between boy & girl, fast & slow, floor & ceiling... or the part how she recognizes pictures of family members and friends and knows their names. And even recognizing pictures of the temple-- which also includes the Eiffel Tower which is sacred and beautiful in its own way ;) -- and of Jesus Christ and sitting still for scripture reading each night. Everyday she learns more and more and I catch myself watching in awe as she takes it all in. 

I feel like I'm watching her more and more and doing less and less for her. My day still revolves around her needs and demands but I think this is the part that they're talking about when they say being a parent is hard but so worth it.

written 7/15/2014

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