life lately

My Ramblings...

The last few weeks have sort of dragged on and zoomed by all at the same time. I'll blame it mostly on winter and a rotten case of cabin fever. We've been staying busy enough with school and work for Brice, play-dates, library trips, and learning animals sounds for Hazel, and I stay busy keeping the show running smoothly and well running!

We enjoy hearing good news from friends and family members -- like new babies for Amber and Heidi :) --and are patiently  impatiently awaiting the arrival of my sisters little baby girl. 

The Olympics are on in the background most evenings- but I totally started crying, like crying hard, when Noelle Pikus Pace took the silver medal for the U.S. in the women's skeleton race. Her shout-out to the youth "to remember who you are and what you stand for" was perfect. Watching her jump up to her family in the crowds forced me to wipe mascara off my cheeks!

This last weekend we had cloudy skies but highs in the 50's so we went on walks to the duck pond and hiked the Y. (maybe our last trek up that rail, scratch that- I'm going to plan on us doing it during graduation week.) 

Hazel is getting so good at learning new words and animal sounds/ names are a favorite right now. She knows the sounds for a duck, dog, bear, lion, giraffe, fish, cow, and sheep. We're working on snake and cat this week. For some reason "meow" is really hard for a 16 month old to remember.

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