
Monday: 10 miles in 1:14 minutes (progressive run) + 3 more miles with Brice in the evening
Tuesday: 8 easy miles in 60 minutes and ab workout
Wednesday: 8 miles (2 mile warm up and the 6 miles of intervals)
Thursday: 10 miles plus a yoga class
Friday: 16 miles average pace 7:30
Saturday: 5 miles recovery

+ My thoughts: Yoga is not for me ;) I went to the class with a sister I visit teach and my companion so it was good company but just not for me.

+ 16 miles was tough but watching a few episodes on Netflix really helped! The temperatures have been single digits every morning here so everything run was on a treadmill except for Monday evenings 3 miles.

Weekly Miles: 60
Miles in 2013: 2230

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