9 months


 Things to Remember:
- Hazel is more and more active everyday. She loves beign tossed in the air! (except over water ;) )
- Loves to snack on green apple slices, cheerios, goldfish, and yogurt.
- Went camping for the first time this last month and loved it!
- Giggling more and more.
- Loves being tickled by her daddy and held by her mommy.
- Wakes up between 7 and 8 most mornings
-Goes to bed at 8:00 pm every night.
- Loves the pool and bath! This little babe can kick those legs and is working her first tan already.
-Learned to clap her hands when we say "YAY" and it is so cute!
-Starting to wave at people but needs some help still.
-Loves to play with anything that is not a toy- kitchen bowls, boxes, cords, shoes! 
- Spends her morning, every morning, unplugging all the cords plugged into the wall. I'm gathering pictures because it is kinda crazy and kinda funny. She pulls out every plug!
-Still has those two bottom teeth.
-We love her more and more!

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