Two years and a baby bump

This week brought exciting things!

 Brice and I celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary by spending a few fun days with our friends, Emily and Matt up at Bear Lake, Utah. We loved renting a see-do for the day, reading by the warm lake, and playing games in the evenings! One morning we drove up to the Minnetonka Cave and spent some time climbing 800+ stairs and being guided by a high schooler obviously enjoying her summer job! As soon as we started I turned to Emily and said, "Don't people climb stairs to help labor begin?"... i was a little nervous but we all survived. The cave was around 45 degrees which was basically an answer to a prayer- since being pregnant in the summer can get quite hot. We really enjoyed the cave and the time in the fresh air!

Driving home was quite the adventure too...we love it when the Jetta acts up and stalls every 78, 17, or 8 miles. Brice spent some time under the hood and hopefully we finally got it all figured it out.

Since being back in Utah we've been attending a Lamaze class every Wednesday night. I think we both have found it helpful and somewhat overwhelming, but we are feeling better and excited for a hopefully un-medicated birth. In a hospital. Let me make that clear!

Brice is staying busy with his job back on campus as they prep for New Student Orientation next week. I get to work for a few days for his office. It'll be fun to be "that pregnant lady" to all those freshmen kids about to start their college years.

I'm now 34 weeks pregnant and mostly enjoying it still everyday! Running is becoming harder, but it feels good after and is rewarding both physically and mentally. I really can't complain about too much other than an occasional back ache and feeling big, but I know it could be so much worse.
42 days and counting...

Lastly, Brice has been really into websites advertising all the deals going on and he happened to stumble upon one that he was nervous to tell me about. For about a year I've been researching digital SLR cameras and really trying to find the right one at a price we could afford. Well we found one! We bought the Canon Rebel a few hundred dollars cheaper than the original price and are both already loving the better quality. Better pictures to come in the future!

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  1. LOL. Oh man--labor is so different than they tell you. Hopefully, it won't be harsh like mine. I went to a 3rd trimester birthing class, confident that I could make this virtually un-medicated. Then labor hit as if to make up for my lack of morning sickness: puking all over the place and the worst pain I've ever felt in my life in my back and stomach. 3 miserable, sleepless, painful hours later I gave in to glorious epidural---and I don't regret it one bit.
    Everyone reacts to labor differently though; I hope that yours is more pleasant so that you can have the birth you want so that you can have the memories you hope for with your beautiful baby. :) Best luck in the coming weeks; as it gets closer may you remain misery free. :)

  2. I applaud you for trying it unmedicated. I almost did it that way with Brianna, but at the last minute the pain got really unbearable so I gave in, half an hour (at most) later Brianna had arrived and I couldn't feel a thing (they gave me the epidural, it kicked in and Brianna kicked her way out not 10 minutes later). lol. I tried going without the epidural with Alex but I wasn't getting any rest and my labor was VERY slow with him, I was also induced 4 days early with him (all of Dono's family was in town and the day I was due the out of state siblings were headed home) so that may have been a contributing factor. Since you've been pretty active every day and you're still running your birth might not be so hard on you (at least I hope it isn't). Everyone says your first labor is the hardest, with the except of a special needs pregnancy (like gestational diabetes or such medical conditions), and I found it true in my case. My labor with Alex was 7 hours. With Brianna it was about 3 1/2 and I almost made it with out the epidural. What got me with Brianna was the back labor. Since she sat so low the entire pregnancy my back was in pain for most of it but during labor it felt like my back was in a clamp that was being tightened with every little twitch of my body. I wish you the very best of luck and an easy labor and delivery.

  3. You are a super-cute pregnant woman! Best of luck for Brice and the new semester, and you getting ready for baby. Happy third trimester!!
