No baby bump yet

It is so nice to share our exciting news with all of our friends and family! Baby Johnson is due October 1st. I've tried hard to write down little things so far during pregnancy but i figured the blog is probably the best. At 12 weeks we got to see our little babe for the first time. During the ultrasound our babe was moving around like crazy! Arms flaring, legs kicking, and it had the hiccups too! Brice couldn't believe that I couldn't feel all of that yet. The ultrasound tech so kindly reminded us that our baby measures only about 5 cm from crown to rump!

Pregnancy up to 14 weeks:
- Nauseous or throwing up, or if I'm lucky..BOTH!!
- In bed by 9 every night
-Brice has been pretty bored at night these days
- Pizza: my food of choice!
- Still running every day, just 7 miles instead of 10 miles a day
-Pilates is still going well
- Pants are tight already
- No baby bump yet but up 4 lbs
- We both feel like it's a boy...but we can't find out for a few more weeks!

Lastly, although taking anatomy and physiology at BYU have not been the easiest classes for me, it is so nice to be more informed and knowledgeable about everything that is going on with my body and the baby. We just hope he or she is developing healthy and we can't wait to see him/her again!

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  1. You look awesome as always! Congrats to your both! So happy for you :)

  2. Chelsea! you are so adorable pregnant!! Seriously- I want to come raid your closet p.s.! Let me know if you're coming up to Provo anytime soon, I'd love to catch up!

  3. Girl, you hardly look pregnant! But I understand how your jeans already don't fit - I was that way too at 14 weeks. I have a coupon for Motherhood Maternity you can have. I went there to get nursing bras and I won't be using it. It's good for April 19-29. I would go and get yourself some capris and jeans. You'll need them! But congrats! I'm excited for you guys!

  4. yay!! :) I'm so happy for you guys. Should I wait til I know what you are having before I start the blanket or do you want me to do a gender neutral blanket? I don't know how much you know about crocheting but if you have a special stitch or style let me know so I can look it up (if I haven't already). Any color preferences?
