thursday tidbits

:: hazel ::
1. loves to make deals. Lately she's been all about saying " I have a better idea..."
2. I made Lasanga for dinner the other night and she really was 'ooohhing' and 'aaawwing' about it. She told me it was her most favorite best dinner ever. ever. ever.
3. Everyone comments on her voice lately. It's just happy and eager and cute.
4. Does her "jobs" happily each morning and has even asked me to write them down for her so she an cross them off.
5. She loves crafts/activities that involve cutting with scissors. She's picked it up really quickly and bow i find paper shreds under the table all day.
6. Answers "nothing" immedietly to any question.THen she thinks and responds with a real answer.
Example. Hazel, what did you do today? "nothing"
Hazel, what did you learn at church? "nothing"
Hazel, why did you not listen to mom right away? "nothing"

:: henry ::
1. this week Henry's 7th tooth popped up more and more.
2. I think its been pretty painful for him, because he is not sleeping well at all!
3. Finally wearing 6-12 month clothes.
4. obsessed with the ducks outside. He tries to grab them but they're a little too fast. 
5. gives the best cheesy smiles 
6. I can't believe it but he turns one this weekend!

:: breann ::
1. running. running. running.
2. obsessed with Fixer Upper and Joanna Gaines. but who isn't? 
3. wants to get treated to a manicure/pedicure so bad.
4. has been in party prep mode for a week and loving it. Henry's birthday wont be over the top, but I like doing the little details to make it special.

:: brice ::
1. is up to run on Mondays and Wednesdays at 6:00 am. He's gone for 45 minutes and home and the sun still hasn't come up.
2. Is working as a business analyst for his current client and while it took some getting used to he's doing great! He's learning to multitask several people and responsibilities, develop code, write stories, and lead meetings. 
3. His commute has more than doubled and he enjoys podcasts while he drives.
4. is ready to move out of the city.
5. wants to run a 1:45 half-marathon in April.
6. is obsessed with his fitbit data.

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