
1. Run another marathon and finish faster than 3:37.

2. Try really hard to be less critical of myself and others.
Picking myself apart does nothing for my confidence and is no way to be happy. I really need to just stop comparing myself to others and be myself. I will have strengths and weaknesses and flaws but they will be mine. Trying to look, dress, run, act, and mother- like anybody but myself is just not good enough.

3. Make more home-made salad dressings and vinaigrette's.
Personally i think these are way yummier than store bought and healthier. Its an easy thing I can do to save a little more money and limit the processed food in our home.

4. Celebrate more things.
I definitely feel stuck in a routine and find myself not getting very excited about things. I don't like it. I want to find more joy in the everyday and not be afraid to make simple things exciting!

5. Go on more dates with Brice.
We need the time away from our too loud and demanding, all-beit adorable children. Whenever i feel like we're not in sync it snowballs quickly into mis-communicating and lack of quality time and attention. We can do better and I'm sure date nights will help a lot. 

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