We have had a lot of rainy days lately so I've been trying to keep things interesting inside. 
This little snack took a little preparation of buying things I don't normally buy but totally worth it. 

Hazel made a few snack baggies of trail mix to take out on our next walk. It was fun to see her carefully and thoughtfully pick what to put next in her bag. Henry enjoyed eating the leftovers.

:: hazel ::

1. her imagination and creativity is so fun to watch right now.
2. Has her first crush on a boy from Primary.
3. She told me yesterday that "she just wanted to hold Brian's hand and take him to the temple and be his mommy."
4. loves jumping on my bed before I make it each morning.
5. She's getting a little too particular about how things are cut up or served. I'm more accommodating but Brice is always telling me not to give her what she wants.
6. wants a peanut butter and honey sandwich everyday for lunch.

:: henry ::

1. This little guy- seriously look at the face, runny nose and all.
2. Big news- we took his binki away last Saturday- he's adjusted just fine.
3. I think he's ready to drop his morning nap now.
4. Loves waving goodbye to Brice over the railing every morning.
5. Can go up and down the stairs by himself now.
6. loves balls and has a good arm and a good kick! He's in his element when were outside playing.

I've been on a bit of a sweet potato kick lately! I thought I'd share one of my favorite recipes to make and keep in the fridge for a few days. It's a great meal or a side.

Sweet Potato Hash
- 2 large sweet potatoes (peeled and diced in 1/4 inch cubes)
- 1 zucchini (diced in 1/4 inch cubes)
- 1 onion diced finely
- 2 TBS coconut oil
- 1 TSP minced garlic
-salt & pepper
- Chicken sausage

1. melt the coconut oil in a pan on medium heat.
2. Add in onions and garlic and sweat them out for 3-5 minutes.
3. add your sweet potatoes and vegges, stirring occasionally for 8-10 minutes.
4. Add salt and pepper to taste.
5. Rough chop sausage and toss in with vegetables.
6. Serve and enjoy!

- I have fried an eg on top and served as a meal but my favorite is to eat some hash in a whole grain tortilla with some melted cheese.

:: hazel ::

1. this girl asks so many questions. I'm encouraging it but man I'm exhausted.
2. is getting more particular about how things are presented and where things are placed.
3. can do so many tricks on the hanging bars.
4. Asks everyday for a house with stairs. But it must be made of bricks so the Big Bad Wolf doesn't blow it down.
5. calls Yogurtland the Barnes and Noble ice cream store. We've only been twice but every time we go to B&N she remembers its so close.
6. has turned into a little mama- baby talk and wanting to care for every baby we see.
7. her feet are growing sizes every other week it feels like. (size 8 hurts now.) I bought her new shoes two weeks ago.

:: henry ::

1. loves playing peek-a-boo, giving high fives, and clapping.
2. its the cutest thing when he nods his head yes to a question. its half nod/half head-bang.
3. He knows exactly where the pantry and fridge is and will stand there waiting and grunting until somebody gives him something.
4. will sign "please" on his chest, leg, arm, tummy- wherever as long as he gets what he wants quick.
5. still napping twice a day and i love those minute long snuggles before I put him down.
6. he fell asleep on the floor last night after prayer he was so tired.
7. is really noticing animals and points to the ducks, dogs, squirrels.
8. teething. ugh.
9. plays in the curtains or blinds everyday. peek a boo is his jam right now.
This weekend was a rare treat! We were kid-less for Friday night, carbo-loaded on the yummiest pizza, and raced Saturday morning. 

Brice and I got to the race just 10 minutes before the start time so I was a little panicked but we just went with it. I made it to the starting line with about a minute to spare and off I went. The marathon started ten minutes before the half. I was able to see Brice once along the course and that was totally fun! I had a solid race until mile 21 and then my quads were just so tight and achy and I just didn't have the energy I should have. I kept going along, but was bummed as my pace went from solid 7:10s to 7:50-8:20 minute miles. I finished in 3:19 and placed 1st in my average group and 2nd women overall. I was the 8th finisher out of 140?

Brice finished the half marathon in 1:45 which was 7 minutes faster than his Thanksgiving half. We both ran slower than we trained for but its alright. After hanging out in Irving for a while we headed home, barely made it up all our stairs and enjoyed warm showers and naps until we went to pick the kids up. We missed having the kids around but at the same time I didn't miss them at all. I really hope that doesn't make me a bad mom.

A big thanks to my cousin, Lisa, and her husband Ryan for watching the kids for us. I'd really like to run another marathon, faster this year, but I can barely walk or squat right now so I'll give it awhile to decide on anything. 
And a big shout out to my friend Andrea for finishing her first half under her time goal! It was fun to spend time with them on Saturday!
The Irving Marathon is next Saturday!
 I have had a really solid raining cycle- good distances, good workouts, and injury free, but I'm feeling nervous and excited for the big day. I really like the progression of training and hope I can flip the "competitor" switch next week. 
Brice's run this morning was 10 miles by himself and his average pace was 7:30. He is getting faster every week and is always checking Strava, or the nike website. I love it and am so proud of him. 
Here's what my last two weeks of training looked like. I peaked at 23 miles three weeks ago and have started tapering off last week.

Monday: 7 miles and insanity
Tuesday: 11 miles and insanity (aveage pace of 7:08)
Wednesday: 7 speed miles
Thursday: 10 miles
Friday: 5 easy miles
Saturday: 15 miles at average pace of 7:30
Sunday: rest day

Monday: 8 dreamy miles outisde
Tuesday: 12 miles (2 warm-up and then 10 mile wave @7:08/ @6:40) back and forth
Wednesday: 7 miles easy outside
Thursday: 6 miles at 7:08 pace
Friday: 6 easy miles
Saturday: 12 miles (miles at 7:30, 7:19, 7:08, 6:58) repeated 3 times through