Yesterday as I cleaned up the kitchen from dinner......

Brice read Hazel a few books.
Hazel loved the one-on-one time and she just kept staring at the book. When Brice stopped reading to take a little break she would turn towards him until he started reading again. It made me so happy to see these two! 

Thanks mom for the cute valentines jammies..she may have worn them all day and night twice!
What did you do yesterday afternoon?!?

She's cute right?  

Thank you to my sweet friend Naomi! Not only does she babysit Hazel three times a week but she totally knows how to get Hazel to cheese it up for the camera!

More pictures tomorrow!

Hazel is already four months old! 

-Weight: 14 lbs
-Height: 24 inches
-Learned how to get a cold, sleep it off, and get back to her cheery self!
-rolling over every once and awhile
-loves laying on her right side
- smiling and talking up a storm
- wearing 3 to 6 month clothing
-loves when daddy gets home and usually flashes a few smiles right away
-decided she loved spending quality time with momma in the middle of the night. a lot of quality time. We're working on fixing that currently.
- Everyday naps from 10:00-12:00ish and 3:00-5:00 ish. ( Great for a mom who has homework to do)
-Giggling, smiling, and talking up a storm!
-loves music and t.v
-loves her tongue. She wont suck on her pacifier anymore she just holds it in her mouth and plays with her tongue

First time grandpa- but she loved him after just a few seconds! We love you dad!

(November 9, 2012)

For the last two weeks I've had a smoothie for breakfast each day! It is my favorite habit ever! There are so many nutrients found in stems, peels, and the skins of so many fruits and vegetables. I usually put 1/4 cup of milk, a spoonful of vanilla yogurt, and then any fruit or veggie I can find or want for the day. Still haven't had a bad one yet! 

Today's was simple and mostly frozen fruit

1/4 cup milk 
spoonful of yogurt
1/2 banana