thursday tidbits

:: hazel ::

1. her little imagination makes me smile daily.
2. playing play-doh, reading, kitchen time, and characters... everyday happening at our house.
3. She has been a stinker at dinner time the last few weeks but this week did great trying THREE new recipes. She wasn't a fan of any of them but ate them without tears and I was so proud.
4. She woke me up at 6:30 this morning by wrapping her arms around my neck and said " mom, lets be best best girls forever". 
5. She asks me to paint her nails all the time, but wont hold still long enough for them to dry.
6. Keeps asking for Christmas songs before bed. She's also made up her own words to some classic tunes and their pretty hilarious.
7. This week she bacame a sunbeam! She wasn't nervous or anything and was excited to tell us about it on the way hoem from church. The part she was most excited about was that her teacher asked all the kids what their favorite snacks were and she was the only one that "knew." PEANUT BUTTER CRACKERS was her response.
8. asked to go running with me today. She wore shorts too even though it was 45 degrees to look like me. She made it 1/2 mile with a few little breaks.

:: henry ::

1. loves unplugging everything, especially the vacuum while I'm pushing it along.
2. He said "dada" and "mama" this week.
3. were sleeping with the fan on again to drown out his cries because he's waking up at night again. I think its teething but you just never know. 
4. He is just the happiest, easiest going kid. Follows our lead, sits in the strollers for long walks, gives the best hugs and kisses. He is lovely.
5. Loves dinner time. I've said it before but he will eat anything. This week he ate chili and jambalaya. HE will eat any fruit or vegetable so far too!
6. He wont sit still for book reading the way Hazel would, but he does find them tasty.
7. gives Brice the biggest smile when he gets home from work.
8. The more he walks around the more bonks he gets. its sad.

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