12 months

Happy Birthday Henry! 
You're ONE

Height: 30 1/4 inches
Weight:20 pounds
Head: 17 3/4 

- This boy is looking so much bigger after turning ONE! I know its got to be all in my head but I sweat he filled out his carseat today.
- Sleeps from 8:00-7:00 most days. He sometimes wakes up through the night still but we've been having him cry it out.
- Happy, happy, happy!
-loves to grunt and say "dada". He still squeals a lot too which drives me crazy!
- only says "mama" when he's sad or upset.
- Henry chases the vacuum when its on and the ducks outside. He is always unplugging cords and chargers from the wall and always makes eye contact with me before he does it!
- he loves to climb on the stool to brush his teeth and prefers to take baths WITHOUT Hazel now.
- loves playing with vehicles that move, balls, birthday balloons!
- Still isn't too interested in reading books for a period of time, but I try daily.
- Henry will eat anything you put in front of him.
He loves crackers with cheese, yogurt, lasagna, bread, apples, bananas, dried fruit, avocado, beans, applesauce pouches, and corn. He always spits ham out of his sandwich though.
- Has started dancing when he hears music. 

- I still nurse him 3-4 times a day, but I'm feeling ready to be done breastfeeding so I think in the next month he will be totally weaned. Sorry bud!
- Still loves that newborn binki but I only give it to him at bedtime and he usually throws it out of his crib and that's it for the night.
- Is giving us a run for our money at church. Brice and I feel like we really just swap him between us and the halls every hour. It's exhausting!

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