
1. Take more pictures- not just of Hazel but of our everyday life...things that make me happy, sad, proud, and the routine.
2. Run another half-marathon/marathon. 2nd half of this goal: PR in the race unless I'm with child :)
3. Be more loving and outgoing in order to welcome new friends and couples into our church ward.
4. Learn the best cinnamon roll recipe....this means I'll actually have to bake and probably a lot more than my usual three times a year.
5. Stop the "fat talk"
6. Stay in our grocery budget- I'm shopping tomorrow for the first time this year- using cash in an envelope :)
7. Learn more about things. I know this is vague but I feel like I run, I mother Hazel, I cook and clean..but what else do I do? for me? for fun? I do not want to look back on the next year feeling like a total bore that can run a lot!
8. Run at least 2014 miles
9. Serve Brice and Hazel with more patience
10. Get over my fear of another baby, finances, finding Brice a job, health insurance woes, etc... and grow our family.

and just because I love her and this photo:

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