Hazel at fifteen months

- Weight: 19.71 pounds (27 %)
- Height: 30 inches (30%)
-Head Circumference: 17.5 inches ( 18%)

-wears mostly 6-12 month clothes and some 12-18 month
- loves being busy...climbing, bouncing, stomping her feet, reading, pulling things down, etc...
-knows where the garbage and laundry basket are and if asked to put something in either one she can
-wears size 3 diapers
- favorite movies are Despicable Me & Fox and the Hound (figures there's a dog and a fox in it-her favorite!)
- Took her 4th flight for Christmas break and did great
- has been to nursery at church FOUR times!!!
- Her hair is finally starting to come in and its a good thing because she pulls those cute headbands off pretty quickly!
- Sleeps from 7:00 pm to 6:30-7:30 am
- Sometimes one nap but mostly two naps a day still
- knows how to swim in the bath :)
- We just moved her into a forward facing car-seat last weekend.
- is soo happy when daddy comes home at night but prefers to cling to moms legs when she is needy or just bored.
- Started giving stinker faces and rolling her eyes ( so cute and funny and bad!)
- loves reading books and helping mom do just about anything/everything
- stands at the pantry doors pointing when she is hungry
- new words she says: bath, woof, quack, bubbles, tickle-tickle, moo, and baby
- can give high fives and pounds knuckles 
- Acts like Tarzan and hits her fists against her chest
- still signs "more", "all-done", and "please"
- throws her food on the ground when she's done eating..were figuring out how to stop this now!
- Loves dogs...Youtube videos of dogs, being licked by dogs, petting dogs, seeing dogs on t.v, and in books.
-LOVES to tickle people 
-Favorite foods include: sweet potatoes, vanilla yogurt, bananas, quesidillas, grilled ham & cheese sandwiches, ritz crackers, cookies (what?!?), 
- still wont take any milk or juice- only water for this chick!
-Nicknames: hazel-bug, hazy, Missy, chick, bug

- It is amazing to us to see how much she is learning and growing. I feel like she is a happy and smart baby that impresses us and makes us laugh everyday! She is friendly to strangers, loves following older kids around and loves playing at the local rec center indoor play gym.

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