- This little guy is moving all over- rolling, sitting, CRAWLING, basically he just follows me room to room
- Has tried pureed bananas, sweet potatoes, and peaches. He LOVED the bananas!!
- I've given him thick slices of cucumber and tomatoes and the broccoli stem to suck on while I cook.
- He loves sitting in the high chair and eating dinner with the rest of us.

- Picks up and eats cheerios all day everyday! I was pretty surprised to see that he could grasp them already but he does it!
- Sleeps from 8:00- 6:30 am with two naps during the day
- Henry has started actually playing with toys
- He loves when he is carried and snuggled by mama- he's definitely my little buddy
- Sits much happier in the car seat
- loves being swaddled still- I'm gonna start breaking that routine up a bit
- Took a bottle this week several times so great. I got the flu and had to give him some frozen milk but he didn't seem to mind at all. He even held the bottle with his own hands.
- mostly sleeps through Hazels night time accident cleanup ordeal ;)
- still wearing 3-6 month clothes and 0-3 shoes
- Henry is just such a happy easy going baby. He is enjoying crawling and exploring new things, but definitely likes to stay close to his mama. We just love him and are so grateful that he's in our family.

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