feeling a lot

I feel overwhelmed with my feelings lately. I don't know if this is a 6-month postpartum occurrence or just dealing with everything going on, but the tears are flowing so easily lately.

I feel  more like a babysitter than a mom most days. Being at home all day without a car is really doing me in. Yes I get to play on the floor and be there for both of my kids all day, but I find myself constantly looking at the clock waiting for it to be 6:00 so I can be "off- duty" and go SOMEWHERE!
I really really don't like feeling like this.

I feel like potty training is my personal enemy. It is just not my thing. We've only been at it for reals for two days so I know I better just suck it up but I hate it. 

I feel like 5 years of marriage has gone by so quickly.

I feel ready for a change, and no not another baby. I feel like I need a change of pace, or a new apartment, or a hobby that makes money.

I feel like I could get a great PR in our half in October. My best half-marathon was 1:35 and I'm pretty positive I can be closer to 1:30.

I feel like we should have more money than we do.

I feel proud of Hazel and Henry and everything they're learning. Henry is crawling room-to-room and loving vegetables and Hazel is learning the Articles of Faith and growing her little testimony.

I feel like you're either being obedient or your not. I wish members of the church would stop trying to justify some things or fight for unrighteous causes. I know it can be hard to see the big picture or put our trust in things we don't fully understand but right is right and wrong is wrong.

- prayers towards potty training are fully encouraged- :)

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  1. Can I just say, "Amen." I've felt similar feelings before and still do sometimes. And I have to remind myself that this too shall pass. Sometimes EXTREMELY slowly...

  2. Thanks for the validation Rebecca! Didn't menantonxome off whiny, but I don't know why people act like life is perfect- sometimes it's good but hard! Hope you guys are doing well.

  3. Loved "catching up" with you through your blog. You are a great mom. I've been there with clock watching and I haven't even started potty training. I'll be looking here again for ideas for teaching kids.
