postpartum with baby #2

It seems totally wrong that Henry is already seven months old and we've been a family of four for this entire year- and guess what tomorrow is September! 

I was very aware of my eating habits and exercise habits during my pregnancy with Henry. Running felt great most days, but I remember quitting Insanity pretty early on. I ate a pretty balanced diet, eating a lot of "smaller meals" like apples with crackers and cheese, veggies and hummus, popcorn, and loving turkey and avocado sandwiches. I never had a lot of cravings but I ate my share of cookies from Potbellys and craved soda all the time. Pregnancy is so weird that way- something like soda is never ever bought in our house but I would dream and drool about that burning carbonation....anyways, I was looking forward to losing the weight but wasn't too worried about it and that made me have a really enjoyable pregnancy. 

So here's what postpartum looked like the second time around. 
I lost the 25 pounds I had gained by about 4 months postpartum and have lost another 10. The last time I weighed 115 pounds was like 6th grade! Workouts have been so good and I'm seeing a lot of overall improvement. I started running around 4 weeks postpartum and added insanity in when I was ready. I LOVE this combination of cardio and high intensity circuits. I've always loved working out in a gym but haven't been to one since we moved to Dallas. Something else I have going in my favor is walking everywhere pushing that double stroller. On top of actual workouts I'd guess I walk an extra 5-10 miles a week just on walks.
I eat a smoothie or more recently half of a NAKED JUICE drink for breakfast and a salad or sandwich for lunch. Most of the time I eat for dinner what I've made for Brice and Hazel, but sometimes I just have a salad with chicken. No food or food group is off-limits I just try to eat foods that make me feel good. Sometimes my energy is lagging so I eat a little bit more and I'm usually good. No counting calories, no good foods or bad foods, but I definitely make very conscience decisions of what I'm eating. Lots of water and popcorn is probably my favorite evening treat! 
The Homestyle by Pop-Secret is where its at!
I feel so lucky that breastfeeding comes easily to me because I really do love it and I'm still nursing Henry about 5 times a day. He's eating food at lunch and dinner times and is obsessed! 
Lastly, the transition from one-to-two kids definitely takes some time, but overall Hazel has been a great helper and  once Henry was sleeping through the night it felt so easy. After Henry was born, it definitely took me longer to feel bonded to him than it did when Hazel was born. I'm not sure if it was the realness of a natural delivery or lingering post baby blues but i definitely didn't feel like myself until 3 months postpartum. 
I'm writing this all out for me to mostly remember a few things. 

FIRST:  growing a baby is amazing and your body has to follow a process. Resting more, eating more, eating the cookie you're craving- whatever- it will be just fine. 
SECOND: don't ever waste time getting caught up in fad exercise or weight loss plans. Calories in have to be less than calories burned and then the weight comes off. It really is that simple. 
THIRD: be patient! It is hard to set a goal, work towards it, and still have to wait, but sometimes that's just the way it goes. Be patient! Exercise should be fun, so find something you like and makes you feel alive and do that. Enjoy the little victories but stay focused; one ice cream cone isn't going to ruin your health, just like one serving of kale will not make you healthy. 

I am so grateful for our two beautiful babies, for easy pregnancies, and even more grateful to be healthy right now and happy and feeling confident about myself again!

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your journey! It's always nice to know how someone else does it. With moving during pregnancy most people didn't realize I was pregnant, I think they just thought I hadn't lost the baby weight from Trenton. So, I've been feeling chubby... not pregnant! ;) I'm trying to think positively though and remember that I have gotten back down to pre pregnancy weight after each child... I can do it again. :)
