what are days are really like

6:30 AM- Wake up, nurse Henry, and get ready to go running. Henry will go back to sleep and then he and Hazel are both up around 7:00-7:15.

7:00-8:15 I run :) Brice is at home with both kids and getting himself ready for work. Most days this goes pretty well and everyone's happy when I get home, but occasionally things just aren't going smoothly and Brice needs me back home earlier. Hazel and Brice have established quite the little routine together and its fun for me to be the one observing their little relationship.

8:30- I nurse Henry again, and swaddle him for his morning nap.

8:45- 10:00 Henry is asleep so now I set Hazel up with a stack of books, stickers, and occasionally nursery rhyme songs on Youtube. I do insanity and usually shower in an hour. Since getting rid of cable tv this is pretty much her only screen time of the day so I don't feel too bad about it.

10:00-10:30  I finish getting ready for the day, pick up around the house, put dishes away, start laundry, and Henry is up so I get the kids dressed!

10:20- I nurse Henry again. does it ever end?!?

10:30- We head out for the day. Sometimes its just a walk to see the ducks, or its a walk to Target, or if we're lucky we get to meet up with friends. 

11:45- lunch time 

12:00- Naps! Hazel goes to bed and I feed Henry again and he goes down for his long afternoon nap.

2:00-3:00 The kids are up. I usually spend nap time folding laundry, organizing, watching Netflix, prepping dinner, or working on a project. I nurse Henry again.

3:00-5:00- We play inside, go outside, swim, whatever! If we're home Henry goes down for his last nap at 4:30 and he usually sleeps an hour.

6:00- Brice gets home! We are all happy to see him and we have dinner together.

7:30- Baths, books, scriptures, bed

8:15- both kids are asleep pretty quickly now and I am so grateful. 

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