Henry is 5 months


- Sleeps from 8:00 pm to 6:30 am. I wake him up instead of pumping because he still wont take a bottle. 
- Henry is moving all over...rolling, moving in circles, trying to crawl. 
- still loves being swaddled, loves his binky, and sleeping on his tummy.
- Just the happiest boy! i'm pretty positive I can count the number of times he has been so upset on my fingers. He doesn't like his carseat for longer that 5 minutes but everything else he is pretty relaxed about.
-Henry is reaching for toys, rolling throughout the room, grabbing and pulling hair, drooling, and putting everything into his mouth!
- LOVES swimming and bath time and LOVES his sister!
- No teeth yet and doesn't take a bottle
-Wearing 3-6 month clothes
-wearing size 2 diapers

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