11 months

Our sweet babe hardly feels like a little baby anymore.I cannot believe  that she will be a one-year old next month! The birthday party planning has officially begun! 

11 months tid-bits
- Spent time on a boat for the first time with a long weekend at Lake Powell. It looks like she got my skin rather than Brice's- that baby can tan like nobody's business.
-She absolutely loves swimming, splashing and taking baths. We take a bath every night and it lasts for at least 30-40 minutes. 
- Goes to bed at 8:00 pm every night but is starting to wake up earlier- like 6:45 in the early morning!
-Loves to cuddle with dad in bed and play "I'm gonna get you"
-Walks all day, all by herself, but hates wearing shoes. 
-Goes up and down stairs before I've even noticed she's out of the room.
- Loves sitting in her high chair to eat- pasta, fruit, veggies except for zucchini. Her favorite food has got to be yogurt- she eats a 6 oz carton almost everyday.
-Hazel cut her 6th tooth jsut barely this last weekend. She now has 4 on top and 2 on the bottom
- Staring to sign "more" and "all done"
- Loves to read books and carry around "Mr. Fox." -We'll introduce Mr. Fox to you soon, don't worry :)
- Has really liked dogs from afar but has been terrified this week of the Hunter's dog, Larry.
- likes to make a mess of my hair products and toiletries.
-Hazel says "ba-bye" and waves to everyone we pass
-Can day mama and dada and papa and baba and she usually does a lot of babbling in a cute little whisper.
-Has her mom and dad wrapped around her finger :) We love her so much!
-Still wearing 6-12 month clothes with a lot of room to spare and in size 3 diapers.
- nurses about 4 times a day still but we're officially working on cutting down nursings.
-Loves munching on cheerios, blueberries, and goldfish.

^check out those tan lines^

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