learning the alphabet

I wanted to share one of our favorite and most used toys-
 a wooden alphabet puzzle!

Hazel has been learning her letters pretty quickly and loves finding the letters we ask her to find. 
We've found it really useful to use word associations with each letter. For example "A" is for apple, "D" is for Daddy, "K" is for Kajsa, etc... (Seriously Crystal, Hazel still asks for Kajsa daily). She knows about half of her letters but can find almost all of them by using a word association.  I think our next step is to get to actually say the name of each letter. 

It's been so fun for us to see her learning and so fun to have a non-musical toy that Brice and I like to lay on the floor and play with :)

Our next big learning curves are a big girl bed and potty training- any tips? Let's hear em!

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  1. With our girls we just locked the door and they always crawled back in bed to sleep, but I know not all kids do. As far as potty training, I really wish I would have waited longer with Gwenivere. It's been a LONG year and a half (I started when she was 2) and she's just now going consistently for a penny. ;) I'm not going to try with Calithea until she asks to go. Good luck!

  2. Super cute puzzle! I'm gonna have to get one of those for Ellie. And Hazel is so adorable!

  3. we loved loved making these for big girl panties, and they absorbed a lot!

