Thursday tidbits

:: hazel ::

1.  has just been so brave lately- climbing trees and walls. It's fun to watch her be adventurous.
2. Got an awful fire ant bite last week. Her poor hand was so swollen for four days.
3. Has started reminding me what the rules are when we go places. Its something I started to prep her when we went to friends houses, the store, etc. but now shes got it down.
4. Has been saying Melanie Johnson over and over- sorry Mel, we're teaching her Sorenson but they do kinda sound alike.
5. Hazel has been asking for a snack every 10 minutes it seems like- its only Thursday and she's eaten through our snacks and fruits/veggie snack options.
6. She keeps telling me all the things she can do now that shes "THREE"
7. Woke up this morning terrified that there might be a raccoon outside.
8. has been asking me for chewing gum.

:: henry ::
1. This guy is LOVING avocado these days.
2. another tooth on the top popped out- so he has a pretty goofy smile
3. He is starting to wave "hi" and "bye"
4. I keep trying to teach him some signs but he's not getting it.
5. still just the best little bud who is easy going and loves getting love and attention.
6. we were at a baby shower earlier this week together and it was nice to watch Henry play and crawl around but then totally scan the room for me and flash me the biggest grin once  he found me. It made my heart so happy!

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