thursday tid-bits

:: hazel ::

1. starts ballet class today.
2. She is so excited about wearing a leotard and pointe shoes.
3. Last night, when tucking her in she had tears in her eyes and asked "what if I don't learn everything to do the performance?"
4. can write her full name now- but the "S" is always a little crazy.
5. we read through our library books so quickly. I usually check 10-12 out and we read them ten times each in 3 or 4 days.
6. She wants to go to school so bad. I wish preschools weren't so expensive, because I'd think about doing it.
7. Says she's STARVING hungry every hour.

:: henry ::

1. obsessed with construction equipment, tractors, and trucks.
2. a very nice foreman let Henry sit on an excavator yesterday in the Target parking lot. His face lit up.
3. I can't find shoes that stay on his feet. 
4. loves playing at the park now and can climb and slide and jump with the big kids.
5. sometimes he hits me and when I say that makes me sad he immediately gives me kisses.
6. turns TWO in two weeks!
7. We've been picking up more sign language since he's still not talking. He can sign: more, please, thank-you, father, mother, banana, yogurt, tree, table, doctor, water, drink, milk, cracker, cookie, all done, go to sleep, and dog.
8. Favorite songs are  head, shoulders, knees, and toes and do as I'm doing.

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