thursday tid-bits

:: hazel ::

1. She is going through a naked phase. 
2. I have to constantly remind her she has to at least have panties on in the house.
3. Every morning she asks, "Do you teach your exercise class tonight?"
4. She's been singing "Praise to the Man" every day but her lyrics are a little off.
5. Hazel is starting to push Henry around and has had a serious amount of time-outs because of it.
6. Still loves being outside- running, climbing, playing!
7. Her favorite lunch right now is a simple peanut butter and honey sandwich.

:: henry ::

1. I've got him down to one nap now, but some mornings he just falls asleep in the stroller or on the floor.
2. Seriously LOVES birds!
3. Has one month until nursery at church!
4. Will eat anything except for meat. I made kale smoothies twice this week and he just slurped it right down.
5. Loves talking abut grandma and papa, dogs, birds, ducks, or balls.
6. sticks his little fingers under doors to open them by himself.

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