thursday tidbits

:: hazel ::

1. She's been calling us by our first names all week and even sometimes calls me "mother."
2. I think she gets the "mother" from the movie tangled.
3. She got her first talk assignment for this Sunday. She gets to speak about the prophet.
4. she fell asleep at naptime yesterday and then didn't go to bed for the night until after 9 pm.
5. She is starting to not want to sit in the stroller any more.
6. has been answering "of course" to everything. I can't tell if shes being darling or sarcastic.
7. Really wants sunglasses- i hope the easter bunny can come through on that one.

:: henry ::

1. he is obsessed with throwing things into water and over edges. If anything goes missing i look behind the couch and its there.
2. Speaking of throwing, we've noticed that Henry uses his left arm to throw but his right hand to pick things up.
3. Still napping twice a day and goes to bed so easily.
4. loves pushing his cars and trucks around and has starting wanting to sit and be read to.
5. Has outgrown his infant carseat so we really should get him a new one.
6. his separation anxiety is in full force.
7. loves to brush his teeth and knows exactly where to go when we say its time to brush.

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