11 months old


Henry is 11 months old tomorrow!

- Walking, Walking, Walking
- Has double ear infections right now.
- Loves the bath, especially if you leave some water on while hes in there. He tries so hard to grab that running water.
- nicknames- boom-boom, little boy, Hen
- loves pouches, the vacuum, being near his mama.
- Loves swinging and sliding at the park, and trying to stick any leaves or acorns in his mouth. He climbed up a small slide by himself yesterday.
- loves peanut butter and honey sandwiches, apple slices, string cheese, pasta and red sauce, any form of crackers, bananas, and yogurt.
- His favorite pouches or baby food are spinach based.
- Still wearing mostly 3/6 month clothes with some 6/9 month shirts.
- Henry is getting the hang of using a spoon and fork- meal time is messy but he loves the bath afterwards.

- Finally starting signing "more" and "all done"
- Cut his 7th tooth (3rd on the bottom) and has such a cheesy crooked smile that we love
- Sounds like he's so close to saying MaMa and DaDa
- Henry is the best little chore buddy. He likes to unload the dishwasher, unfold clothes, put toys back in the baskets, and push the high chair back in its spot. :)
- I put him in his first pair of 6-12 month pants and they stayed on but the bottoms were rolled up about an inch.

- Has learned how to give high- fives and wave but both take a lot of prodding to get him to do.

Henry still brings a peaceful love into our home. He has been such an easy going and happy baby and I am so grateful. His little face lights up when he sees Brice or I.  Hazel is the best at getting him to be silly and laugh and watching them actually play together makes my mama heart so happy. I'm so grateful Henry has been a good eater, and sleeper, and nurser. I hope he feels loved and a part of our little family.

Hazel asked us the other day for " a lot, a lot, a lot more babies"....but right now things feel really good! 

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