thursday tidbits

:: hazel ::

1. Is getting really excited to see Savvy and other family members in Utah.
2. Will not stop picking up Henry. It drives me crazy.
3. She asked me the other day if she could take the school bus to school when she is 5.
4. loves brushing her teeth every morning and night. She calls it on of her "jobs."
5. Has been having some pee accidents while we're at home. that is also driving me crazy.
6. were practicing writing her name.

:: henry ::
1. Still just the happiest baby around.
2. Doesn't like being swaddled anymore so i just wrap the blanket around his bottom half.
3. Is going to bed easier- with no swaddle, no binki, and awake.
4. wakes up from his morning nap poopy every time.
5. loves playing in the dishwasher and starting to play with toys on his own.
6. Hazel gave him a few licks of a lollipop and the kids eyes lit up!
7. loves apple slices, carbs in all forms, and breastmilk.

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