thursday tidbits

:: hazel ::

1. needs to start napping during the day again, she has been getting so emotional by 6 pm.
2. Is taking amoxicillin for a little ear infection.
3. Watched Beauty and the Beast for the first time this week and loved it. All week she has brought up parts of the movie and asks the most thoughtful questions.
3. Is no longer getting potty treats- the skittles ran out so we just never mentioned them far so good.
4. Loves to color, but only if I'm doing the actual coloring. She just likes to tell me what to color.
5. When I ask her about a birthday party the only detail she seems concerned about is whether or not there will be cupcakes!
6. was a trooper during my visiting teaching appointments today- start to finish it was almost TWO hours.
7. Hazel loves dogs which is nothing new but can be found hoarding puppy stuffed animals/toys/books at other people's houses. 

:: henry ::

1. Has cut three teeth in the last two weeks. He must be getting so smart! Unfortunately, it seems that all his brain development and teething occurs between 1:00 and 5:00 am. 
2. Insists on sitting on my lap, being in my arms, pulling my hair, cuddling with me- to say were dealing with a little bit of separation anxiety is a huge understatement.
3. Loved eating peaches, pears, and banana chunks this week.
4. Is  enjoying playing with the Zany Zoo toy and standing up all by himself.
5. Without fail he wakes up every morning that I start to pump. I get just about finished pumping so I can go run and he wakes up and I spend another ten minutes nursing him.
6. Brice and I have been talking and think its time to start taking the binki away more often. Hazel just naturally lost interest in it by this age, but he still really loves it. He still likes being swaddled to sleep too. 
7. Has started giving really wet open- mouth  kisses and waving goodbye.
8. drool. drool. drool.

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