Hazel at 18 months

Our baby girl is a toddler! 
Most of the time I still look at her as our little baby but other people apparently don't because the "when are you going to have another?" and the "are you pregnant yet?" questions are being asked constantly.

Hazel at 18 months:
Height: 31 inches (22%)
Weight: 21.43 lbs (32%)
Head Circumference: 17.75 inches (19%)

- Sleeps from 7:30 to 7:00 most days. She will practically put herself to bed some nights.
-Naps from 12:00 to 2:30-3:00 every day.
-Loves nursery at church!
- After we've said prayers at night she just runs to her crib.
-Loves bananas, Ham & Cheese sandwiches, cheese, apples, applesauce, oatmeal, beans, quesidillas, sour cream, yogurt, pasta, sausage, chicken, and treats.
-Working hard to get her to eat more veggies. Sometimes she'll eat purees still but has really not been interested in broccoli, green beans, or peas.
-Continues to surprise us with her vocabulary.
-Loves DOGS! The obsessions is getting out of hand. If we see a dog for 2 seconds she notices and gets so excited.
-Loves babies, especailly baby Savvy! She insists on holding her and giving her her binki.
- Spent her first weekend away from mom & dad. We know she loved being with her grandparents!
-Loves to feed the ducks at the duck pond.
-Loves saying animal noises and names.
-Loves cuddling with stuffed animals and playing with her letters that I made.
-Favorite book currently is "Brown-Bear, Brown-Bear" of course, because of all the animals :)
- Still wont drink any kind of milk or juice but we're actually kind of happy about that. Girl loves her water and that is the best thing right!?
- Loves to climb, jump, jump on the bed, dance, jump on pillows, go up and down stairs ALL BY HERSELF, and tickle people and things. We often catch her tickling her car seat when we're in the car.
- Has a bad habit of whining instead of talking when shes hungry.
-She can get so caught up in her crying that she can't stop even when she's gotten what she wants/needs.
-Still signs: please, thank you, more, all done, drink.
-Wakes up starving and yelling "ma-ma" until we get her a banana. 
- Loves playing outside with her little friends but doesn't quite understand the dangers of the street/driveway.

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